dire situations call for everyone to open their hearts, not for a minority of individuals to shoulder the troubles of the world
dire situations call for everyone to open their hearts, not for a minority of individuals to shoulder the troubles of the world
We cannot give to everything, we cannot be involved with everything, and neither should we be. There are forgotten souls and desperately worthy causes everywhere. Dire situations call for everyone to open their hearts, not for a minority of individuals to shoulder the troubles of the world. Charitable work can be exhausting and demoralising, and deeply distressing, so we must choose wisely how we use our energy and attention. In charitable endeavour the going will nearly always be tough, and in order to keep going when it gets even tougher we must give to those causes that push our buttons enough to drive our motivation, yet do not render us incapacitated when atrocities are revealed. That way, we will find the courage and conviction to keep going when our spirits flag. Mrs Osborne Recommends makes regular donations to humane medical research and child welfare, and I, personally, rolled up my sleeves to get my hands dirty for dogs. Because I was able to do it, and be genuinely useful, without crumbling into a heap at the horror of it all.
The problem of unwanted pets, indiscriminate breeding and irresponsible ownership is one of gargantuan proportions, and it's everywhere, so it's important to feel that what one is doing is not just a drop in the ocean and that it can make a real difference. Angel's Kiss has helped and continues to help dogs in the UK, but was very actively involved in helping canines in north west Spain. Grass roots campaigning to highlight the appalling situation there and to change policies in that area has been underway for some years, but there is a staggering lack of practical, hands on, charitable assistance. Every little bit of help counts and makes a significant difference to the pitiful lives of the dogs who are suffering there right now. Being part of that solution felt good, and it felt rewarding, but more importantly, it felt right. Angel's Kiss set a target of helping 100 dogs and incredibly, achieved that target. We are no longer actively rescuing and rehoming from Spain because we have pledged to support the dogs we have already helped, along with their adopters, throughout their lives. But I like to think that we made a difference...