"Small acts of Kindness" is a BWY social action intitiative offering yoga without charge for anyone in need, regardless of colour, creed, sexual orientation, age or ability...
"Small acts of Kindness" is a BWY social action intitiative offering yoga without charge for anyone in need, regardless of colour, creed, sexual orientation, age or ability...
Mostly I am reluctant to voice a position on political issues; but “Black Lives Matter” is not political it is humanitarian and I am often vocal on matters of humanity. Benjamin Crump spoke about a “Pandemic of Racism and discrimination” and he’s not wrong, because the heartbreaking truth is that George Floyd’s death is not an isolated case. The shockingly apparent expectation of impunity in the killing of George Floyd brought the Black Lives Matter movement into sharp focus on the global stage and not before time. But alarmingly, discrimination, suffering and violations of fundamental human rights can be found everywhere when we put our attention on looking for them.
It can seem truly overwhelming. But if we are students of yoga philosophy we know that there are times of great darkness in Kali Yuga and we know that at these times we can feel disempowered, outraged or despairing in alternating or equal measure. We should remember that all things are transient and times are changing; there is hope and a new optimism, and a groundswell of power at grass roots level. We need to hold on to that and to add our voice to the collective call for change.
If we are yoga practitioners we know that we are at our most powerful and effective when we remain centered. We can use our yoga practice to manage the sometimes rapidly mounting tide of our outrage and our grief, and to challenge our energies into positive action for change. Change, like yoga, starts within and continues with small steps that eventually lead to a big difference. Just before Black Lives Matter got the attention of the world's media, the British Wheel of Yoga launched a social action initiative "Small Acts of Kindness" in an attempt to reach anyone in distress who might benefit from yoga but for whom cost was a barrier. Small Acts of Kindness is being offered by BWY teachers to anyone in need, regardless of colour, creed, sexual orientation, age or ability. There is no requirement to prove need; it is a service based on trust and the mutual benefit of giving and receiving. Participating as a teacher in this initiative is a small step that I am taking towards dissolving barriers and inviting unity.
As we add our voices to the collective call for change we can stand tall and walk forward firmly in support of Black Lives Matter and humanitarianism. That's what I choose to do today and I invite you to join me; to spread peace and to light a candle in memorium to honour all of the forgotten or invisible victims of oppression everywhere.