thankfully all teachers have their own unique style, because one size never fits all!
thankfully all teachers have their own unique style, because one size never fits all!
Classes are usually organised into courses of between 4 and 7 weeks in length running throughout the academic year. Each course will have a particular theme or focus, which enables us to explore the principles of yoga in greater depth. Sessions last for 90 minutes and classes are small so that I am able to give individual attention if required, whether in person at my studio or remotely using Zoom. I teach postures, pranayama, meditation and philosophy and classes are open to everyone, regardless of age, experience or ability.
Ad hoc sessions that I run throughout the academic holidays are standalone classes, they follow the same format as term time course classes but are designed to explore one single theme per class so that each session is complete and does not build thematically from the previous session, nor lead into the next. More of a pick n mix!
To book onto a course please contact me to ensure there is space first, download and complete a health declaration if you are new to me, and then email to book. Health issues will not necessarily prevent you from practicing yoga but they do need to be mentioned in order that appropriate modifications to postures can be offered. If you are at all unsure you should consult your GP first.
Booking is ordinarily for the whole half term. If you are new to yoga or new to me, I am happy for you to attend and pay for just one class as a "taster" before committing to the whole course. Outside of the academic year the ad hoc sessions are usually listed at the start of the holidays. These are booked as a single class and there is no commitment to more than one at a time. At the moment I am only teaching regular classes remotely using Zoom but once restrictions are lifted the times and dates of sessions at my studio in North Yorkshire will be on this page.
Please Note:
During covid I am able to teach in person for those people who need yoga for a specific therapeutic purpose for either a physical or mental health condition. This can be either one to one or in a group situation for support. These in person classes fall within the section 47 excemption and there are special protocols that must be followed. For full details please contact me.