"This age of disposable things should not apply to animals. If anyone can take a horse, or knows someone who can, please consider rehoming a horse from World Horse Welfare." Dame Judi Dench
"This age of disposable things should not apply to animals. If anyone can take a horse, or knows someone who can, please consider rehoming a horse from World Horse Welfare." Dame Judi Dench
A truly international equine charity working tirelessly to improve the lives of horses in the UK and around the world. With HRH The Princess Royal as President, and patrons including Pippa Funnell MBE, WHW has a distinguished and hugely respectable pedigree. Their vision is a world in which horses are treated with respect, compassion and understanding, and they have been instrumental in influencing legislation and producing lasting change for the good of the horse since they were founded in 1927 by Ada Cole.
If you care about horses I urge you to support them. There are lots of ways in which you can make a difference: fundraising; campaigning; or (quite literally) at grass roots level by offering a home to a rescued horse or pony. From warmbloods to falabellas they have some cracking animals needing loving homes and with three of their fabulous horses in my own yard, I can vouch for the comprehensive and ongoing support, advice and information that comes as standard. There is full disclosure with every animal; their equines are exactly what they say on the tin, and that level of honesty and integrity can be as rare as rocking horse doo doo these days...